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Dec 19 2011, 8:35 PM EST
I've been researching ondines for a greek project in social studies, and the Undine species is not greek. It's German...this species is supposed to be creature that live in or on water, so they do warship or are guided by Artemis; god of hunt. The reason I made this is to ask; If they appear as sea horses with faces, how are they water spirits? They aren't faires, but are often confused with them, also, they live in any body of water, not just the sea. would you describe their form when not a human? And are their mortal, or immortal. I've been given reallly misleading information; one myth says that ondines are immortal unless they marry and bare a child, while the other states that they are mortal but can give birth to immortal children if mated with god. And..are they all female? Who made them..? Are they all siblings? I've got questions, and I'm hoping for anyone to answer them. Please reply A.S.A.P. Thanks... -R.S.
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1. RE: Question(s)
Dec 24 2011, 3:16 PM EST
They are mortal unless its a god like figure created to protect the waters of the gods. aand no they are just like any other creature not all siblings. All female yes. the men go by a different name
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2. RE: Question(s)
Jun 15 2012, 12:03 PM EDT
they seem to be like naiads so all female not all siblings but often sibling groups are quite large and have eternal youth
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3. RE: Question(s)
Jul 21 2012, 4:54 AM EDT
Ah! Just to add, the 'seahorses' with faces are often mistaken as Undines, but are actually Kelpies. Kelpies originated from the Scottish Gaelic mythology of a water horse. While it is usually depicted as a horse, the Kelpie can take on a human form to lure humans to water to drown them.Do you find this valuable? |