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DarkStar467 |
Jan 11 2013, 2:28 PM EST
Hey guys. Listen, I was wondering if there was any way to draw out or awaken dormant magical abilities? If there are any, then please tell me. When I say if there are any, I mean different ways of going about this task with limited supplies and being able to do such a task without being noticed.
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empath_of_Ares |
1. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 3:10 PM EST
Well, there are multiple ways to do so, 1. Opening up your Third eye is the most popular way, 2. I awakened mine by having some one mind meld with me (which is like going inside someones head through the means of Aura) 3. You can call upon Aries energy to help awaken your senses since one of its functions is Awakening. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() SupremBeing |
2. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 4:07 PM EST
Depends, how powerful do you think you are?For powerful beings the most popular way to awaken their power is through a "Jump start". This method is simple and quick, you just need for someone that has close to the same or more power then you. First you need to open your chackras, there are a total of 8 if I am not mistaken, then have that being hit you with 5% or more of your total power, directly in the main chackra (the pit of your stomach, centered below your chest cavity). After this, brace yourself. Do you find this valuable? |
empath_of_Ares |
3. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 9:27 PM EST
"Depends, how powerful do you think you are?Thats kind of what i did to all my friends, some side effects are headaches, nausea, stomach aches, and weird dreams. Do you find this valuable? |
DarkStar467 |
4. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 10:28 PM EST
I honestly have no clue how powerful I am. All I know is that I have some form of power hidden deep within me, I just don't have the means to find out what exactly. So if you guys have any ideas that could help with my current situation, then that would be extremely helpful.
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Ashkinuna |
5. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 10:38 PM EST
| Post edited: Jan 11 2013, 10:40 PM EST
I wish I could help, but I feel like I am in a similar situation myself.
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DarkStar467 |
Ashkinuna |
7. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 10:44 PM EST
Yeah, and most of the time it feels as if not knowing is more troublesome than what ever hardship the truth could bring.
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![]() SupremBeing |
8. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 11:14 PM EST
"Thats kind of what i did to all my friends, some side effects are headaches, nausea, stomach aches, and weird dreams. "You act as if the process is some kind of medication, it's not. If that was meant as a joke, then it is not funny. Power infusion can be fatal, specially if done by an amateur. You wanna hear true side effects... Your body can be turned inside out, you can disintegrate, lose your powers forever, or burn alive. There are many vampires and werewolf saying that their first transformation is painful, this is ten times more. Please don't play with something that can kill others. Do you find this valuable? |
Blackwolf7337 |
9. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 11:50 PM EST
"Yeah, and most of the time it feels as if not knowing is more troublesome than what ever hardship the truth could bring."You seem set on making a difference, and I'm sure you will. Power comes with time, and work. Even if it's power within you, it still takes time and work to bing it forth. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Blackwolf7337 |
10. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 11:51 PM EST
"You act as if the process is some kind of medication, it's not. If that was meant as a joke, then it is not funny. Power infusion can be fatal, specially if done by an amateur. You wanna hear true side effects... Your body can be turned inside out, you can disintegrate, lose your powers forever, or burn alive. There are many vampires and werewolf saying that their first transformation is painful, this is ten times more. Please don't play with something that can kill others."This is why most vampires don't let their children change form until a certain age. Do you find this valuable? |
empath_of_Ares |
11. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 11:53 PM EST
"You act as if the process is some kind of medication, it's not. If that was meant as a joke, then it is not funny. Power infusion can be fatal, specially if done by an amateur. You wanna hear true side effects... Your body can be turned inside out, you can disintegrate, lose your powers forever, or burn alive. There are many vampires and werewolf saying that their first transformation is painful, this is ten times more. Please don't play with something that can kill others."Are YOU serious? I'm serious, all of my friends experienced the same thing. Physical transformations are IMPOSSIBLE. It's just humanly impossible for any of those things to occur, the human body is just not meant for those kind of things to happen to it. If you have evidence or proof that can prove me wrong i would LOVE to see it because that's what i live for, seeing and knowing the impossible. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() SupremBeing |
12. RE: Magic
Jan 11 2013, 11:57 PM EST
| Post edited: Jan 11 2013, 11:58 PM EST
If this people truly have power within them they are not humans, and of course a human body isn't meant to do that, but that is what happens when things go wrong. You got lucky that you did not screw up and accidentally killed your friends.
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empath_of_Ares |
13. RE: Magic
Jan 12 2013, 12:03 AM EST
"If this people truly have power within them they are not humans, and of course a human body isn't meant to do that, but that is what happens when things go wrong. You got lucky that you did not screw up and accidentally killed your friends."There was no room for error in the first place, it's not as all whacked up as you say it is, instead of releasing a bomb in their heads i simply tapped on the ice enough so that they could break it if they wanted to. It's not luck either, iv'e done this more than a dozen times with a wide range of people of different ages, nothing went wrong besides the normal side effects. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() SupremBeing |
14. RE: Magic
Jan 12 2013, 12:11 AM EST
| Post edited: Jan 12 2013, 12:54 AM EST
"There was no room for error in the first place, it's not as all whacked up as you say it is, instead of releasing a bomb in their heads i simply tapped on the ice enough so that they could break it if they wanted to. It's not luck either, iv'e done this more than a dozen times with a wide range of people of different ages, nothing went wrong besides the normal side effects. "Then you are an idiot. Here let me ask you a question... After you "released" such people did you feel drain and powerless for a couple of days? Don't lie, the answer is yes, let me tell you why; you fed them your power rather then unleash their own, the power they have at the moment is temporary and will banish if you don't feed them more. The retarded idea of "taping the ice" is like releasing water in a zero gravity environment, it goes no where and does nothing, the reason you use the 5% power is to boost the circulation and get it out to the body. Do you find this valuable? |
DarkStar467 |
15. RE: Magic
Jan 12 2013, 11:22 AM EST
"I honestly have no clue how powerful I am. All I know is that I have some form of power hidden deep within me, I just don't have the means to find out what exactly. So if you guys have any ideas that could help with my current situation, then that would be extremely helpful."Can we please go back to this please. I'm he'll bent on learning to bring forth my true power mainly so that I can make a big difference in this. I wish to help others with my powers. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() SupremBeing |
16. RE: Magic
Jan 12 2013, 4:03 PM EST
-.- Ask the professional.. *laughs out loud*
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DarkStar467 |
17. RE: Magic
Jan 12 2013, 8:07 PM EST
"-.- Ask the professional.. *laughs out loud*"Please just share rituals, practices, anything that might help. And be specific. I need instructions, recipes, dates, details basically. Do you find this valuable? |
empath_of_Ares |
18. RE: Magic
Jan 13 2013, 6:43 PM EST
"Then you are an idiot. Here let me ask you a question... After you "released" such people did you feel drain and powerless for a couple of days?Let me tell you something. DON'T ASSUME THINGS ABOUT ME. I'm NOT lying when i say, i didn't. Every time i "released" them i felt rejuvenated, never tired. Do you find this valuable? |
empath_of_Ares |
19. RE: Magic
Jan 13 2013, 6:44 PM EST
"-.- Ask the professional.. *laughs out loud*"Don't be a dick, i'm just trying to help. Do you find this valuable? |