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Tailea |
Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 25 2013, 4:28 PM EDT
All my life I have loved Vampires, even before they were turned into the next big thing by the media and crap like the Twilight books and stuff!!! I have had numerous dreams about becoming one and being free from social bs and having to live in the social norms. I would love info or proof or would love to meet some in person. I have interest in becoming one but am currently pregnant so not really an option I dont think. I want more. Im destined for something amazing in life and I know this as I have cheated death time and tme again and sometimes wish I hadnt. I cant live with the way society wants us to live I have multipul health problems and no insurance or anything like that. I just want something of my own and want to give my child and my family and my pets something amazing. I also have loved Vampires my entire life and have recently given up on them existing completely as I have never seen nor met one. I want my faith restored and I want to know if it is possible that I could one day become something so amazing. I want out of the pain and out of society I want something great!!!
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SupremBeing |
1. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 25 2013, 5:46 PM EDT
If you truly believe that becoming an immortal will.get you away from your mistakes and shield you from the unwanted then you are mistaken.
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Tailea |
2. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 25 2013, 8:41 PM EDT
Not really sure that I want to be one, just want my faith re-instilled that they are there. I will never get away from my mistakes!!! I have these crazy dreams all the time about creatures and wars and they seem so real until Im awake. I have been thinking about writing about them. Funny thing is I knew nothing of most of these creatures until I got on here and started looking around. I dream a lot of a war angel with black wings and I had no clue what thefy were until I was on here. Do they really feed off of Vampires. I am just curious about people becoming them as I have had many dreams where I am one. I also know that if wouldnt shield me from the world or its issues or even my fears, but I am very curious about what being on entails. I have been told its against the law mostly to change a human, but I am very curious now as to what kinds of creatures can be changed. I have been thinking about writing about my dreams, this is what I mostly mean by greatness, I enjoy writing. My biggest issue is due to a few car accidents I have spine issues and my body is falling apart and I have been having issues with my teeth. I am mostly just curious of the possibility more than anything. I do amazing things in my dreams, I just want to do amazing things outside of them and I sleep more than the average person just so I can stay dreaming, as I said they are so real and then I wake up. I can feel pain in my dreams and I am aware that I am dreaming, I just do not want to accept it. Lately, I had a dream I ran into a town of "people" that were pretty much farming people to feed on their flesh and then I found they were not human. I ran and ran to only be found finding just before I woke up that I was one of these beings. I have really been able to find nothing that relates dead on with that on here though, the closest are cannibalistic in-breeder and White Eyes, which were not exactly what I was dreaming of as these were very beautiful appearing humans...
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Tailea |
3. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 25 2013, 8:45 PM EDT
I realize I sound somewhat childish and like a dreamer, but I am just very curious with a lot of questions. What changes in the body when you become a Vampire?0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
SupremBeing |
4. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 25 2013, 8:47 PM EDT
Dreams can say many things. But due to the fact that you have taken too many blows to the head, there have been a few things altered about the way your brain works. A human body has many safety mechanisms meant to protect the brain from being harmed by the body and to protect the body from being harmed by the brain, it would seem as if that safety was some how damaged or over written for you. Being a vampire or an immortal in general is not something you can just give back afterwards, be careful what you wish for.
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Tailea |
5. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 25 2013, 10:48 PM EDT
I dont know why but your post has me slightly tearing up. It could just be the pregnancy hormones who knows or possibly you have struck a chord. You are very right I should enjoy being human, but it is hard being part of something that I see doing so much evil every day. My life has been horrible and I have made mistakes, but I have put a lot of work into changing myself and it seems like it has all been for nothing. A college degree I cannot find a career with that has given me massive debt that I cannot figure out a way to pay off, and I know I am meant for more than working at some crappy food job but it seems to be all I can get with a BS in business management. Im sorry Im very sporadic, but I have so many thoughts swimming in my brain all the time. I cry wondering what I can do for myself and my unborn child and his/her father. He works 6 days a week and I am not currently working at all as I feel like there is something amazing that I lshould be doing...please help me what do I do. I can handle the physical pain and even the emotional pain, but sometimes it gets to be so much for me and I just want to be able to provide for my family. You are more than right, a desire to be immortal does not solve that and cannot be taken back and I couldnt live with myself watching my children die before me. But you did answer my question on their existence and so have a couple people that have messaged me. I have so many beliefs and questions and I want so much more for me!!!
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![]() RachelSage |
6. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 25 2013, 11:47 PM EDT
Im the same. I've had dreams about all sorts of creatures, my own past lives and the future. All my dreams are so real and sometimes it takes me a good hour before I can really make sense of what had happened because my emotions are so strong.When I was young my doctor diagnoised me with something called Night Terrors and for a time I believed that that was the case. Now Im older and understand death and fear and love, I know that Ive been seeing my past lives. How else do you explain seeing an Edwardian servant version of yourself being pushed over a grand wooden banister and hitting the carpeted stairway 2 stories down? Then to have my spirit linger next to my own body. The strange and scary part was that everyone else was in fast forward, speeding around like frantic ants around my dead body and I couldnt touch them or talk to them. Thats just one of many very real and very detailed dreams that I've had so your not alone in this. Ive never met a vampire or a werewolf in person although I believe they are real.Chances are I probably have met one and just not known it. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Tailea |
7. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 26 2013, 12:49 AM EDT
"Im the same. I've had dreams about all sorts of creatures, my own past lives and the future. All my dreams are so real and sometimes it takes me a good hour before I can really make sense of what had happened because my emotions are so strong.Thank you! The dreams I have about the Black Angel are a lot like is me now then it always goes back thousands of years and on this strange wooden ship that really isnt that big with this beautiful muscular angel with black feathered wings. I always feel strange bc Im always going through something horrible then I find I have strange powers then I have a flashback to him inthe ship then when I am back in present reality he is there protecting me and I never had any power it was him the whole time I just couldnt see him the whole time. All of this obviously in the dream. Its crazy!!! Do you find this valuable? |
Tolonkolo |
8. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 26 2013, 4:23 AM EDT
"Thank you! The dreams I have about the Black Angel are a lot like is me now then it always goes back thousands of years and on this strange wooden ship that really isnt that big with this beautiful muscular angel with black feathered wings. I always feel strange bc Im always going through something horrible then I find I have strange powers then I have a flashback to him inthe ship then when I am back in present reality he is there protecting me and I never had any power it was him the whole time I just couldnt see him the whole time. All of this obviously in the dream. Its crazy!!!"Their are some forms or angels and other well spirits that could look like that. Not sure what it could mean for you but their are things out their that are similar to what you are describing. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Tailea |
9. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 26 2013, 11:17 AM EDT
"Their are some forms or angels and other well spirits that could look like that. Not sure what it could mean for you but their are things out their that are similar to what you are describing."I just find it strange as he shows up a lot. Do you find this valuable? |
SupremBeing |
10. RE: Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you
Mar 27 2013, 10:12 AM EDT
Some divine entities, weather good or evil are bound by different things: Love, compassion, pity, hate, lust, or personal interest...etc. It may be that this "angel" is bound by one of those.
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