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  • Parallel Universe theory My friend came up with a theory that there is a universe parallel to this one. The people there are the same and and do the same things as us; its a reflection of this world.
    Complex part...
    Mirrors are the portals. Your opposite in that world unknowingly blocks you from entering. For example: You reach out and touch the mirror and so does your opposite, each blocking the other from passing through.
    Every now and then a paradox occurs: A person dies, but their opposite doesn't (usually because of preternatural intervention) they are able to pass through. They kill somebody on the other side, but the opposite on their side DOESNT DIE.(No opposite doing exactly what they do) They are now a paradox as well.
    They don't have a reflection anymore, they make the same thing happen to other people (make it spread so to speak)... you guessed it
    Thread location: Parallel Universes
    Keyword tags: futurelivesmirrorsparadoxParallelvampiresworlds 
    Posted: Jan 10 2015, 5:42 PM EST by PhoenixFlames4713
  • VAMPIRES IN THIS ERA Can someone explain why in this era there hasnt been any reports of deaths or animal attacks or simialr things do to vampires or werewolves or any ohter supernatural creature im a believer myself and im a researcher can seem to find a lead to anything in this 21 century. Can someone help me to look in the right direction.
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: animal attackssupernaturalvampireswerewolves 
    Posted: Nov 8 2014, 11:07 PM EST by arghmand
  • What do Vampires look/sound like to you? I'm writing a book and it features all types of Mythical Creatures, though I am having trouble with one of my favorites.
    Vampires, I know how I want them to be how they always should have been scary, menacing, hunters, night dwelling killing machines. But it seems that everythings been done, I want to add my own stamp on it. My Vampires are unassuming, humanoid looking at first, but it's the transition that I'm having trouble with. What I have now are their mouths open wider, top and bottom fangs, shrinking pupils and eyes that glow in the dark similar to how lions eyes glow, ( not sure of the color yet, since there are werewolves in my book so I don't want to confuse the two). Also they speed walk and can fly from one place to another in a blur. I've thought about the noises they make as well, I imagine them making similar sounds to that of a leopard.

    Also what do you think of claws on Vampires? Too much? I'm afraid if I add too much it'll make them cheesy and if I add too little they'll be non- threatening things lol.

    So what do you think?
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: CreaturesMonstersMythsVampires 
    Posted: Oct 22 2014, 7:55 PM EDT by Rolya_Noventa
  • How Vampires Are Immortal: My theory One day I was sitting in class listening to my teacher and a few students argue about how certain things can in fact be immortal. (My teacher is a Biology teacher as well, so it made for an interesting conversation.) Back to my point, they talked about how certain species of sea life can be immortal, such as different types of jellyfish. My teacher went on saying that alothough in theory those jellyfish can live forever, other things can still affect whether the creature lives or not. (Disease, famine, getting eaten.... Etc.) And I thought, "Well yeah, duh. But how do they live "forever"? What makes them live so long?" As if my teacher were reading my mind, he answered that question very simply. Cell replication. Some scientists/biologists believe that we all age because of cell mutation as we get older. (Yes. We are all in fact mutants!) But if there were a certain virus linked to DNA that would make every cell replicate perfectly, in theory we would never die.

    Have you ever seen a glow fish at the pet store? In order to achieve that "glow" effect, scientists take the genetic coding from a jellyfish's DNA molecule, and copy it exactly and place that coding on a virus linked to DNA which replaces the fish's genetic code for 'scale' color with the jellysish's. Now, think if there was a virus linked to DNA that gets rid of all of the genetic imperfections within DNA! In my own opinion, I think that could be one of the main factors that lead to vampires living forever.

    What do you all think?
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: DNAImmortalityScientificVampires 
    Posted: Mar 1 2014, 2:07 PM EST by JacobWillson
  • Enamored with Vampires...would like to talk to some of you All my life I have loved Vampires, even before they were turned into the next big thing by the media and crap like the Twilight books and stuff!!! I have had numerous dreams about becoming one and being free from social bs and having to live in the social norms. I would love info or proof or would love to meet some in person. I have interest in becoming one but am currently pregnant so not really an option I dont think. I want more. Im destined for something amazing in life and I know this as I have cheated death time and tme again and sometimes wish I hadnt. I cant live with the way society wants us to live I have multipul health problems and no insurance or anything like that. I just want something of my own and want to give my child and my family and my pets something amazing. I also have loved Vampires my entire life and have recently given up on them existing completely as I have never seen nor met one. I want my faith restored and I want to know if it is possible that I could one day become something so amazing. I want out of the pain and out of society I want something great!!!
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: Vampires 
    Posted: Mar 25 2013, 4:28 PM EDT by Tailea
  • BlackWolf7337 Coolest person in the world.We should all listen to her incites.
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: BlackWolf7337Vampires 
    Posted: Jan 15 2013, 4:46 PM EST by Limitliss
  • No. Werewolves don't exist (You can believe if you want). Nobody should give out their personal info anyway. That was the first thing you learn about the internet. I see posts on Slenderman forums saying 'I shifted when I was thirteen' blah blah blah. Its annoying as hell. MY question, to everyone, is how do you know? The legend goes, as I have heard it for 14 years, is that the werewolf is not suppose to remember when they shift. They WILL, however, be aware of the fact they they are shifting. They will forget, though, when they wake-up. If you think you are a werewolf, you know what? Bite me.
    Thread location: False Claims
    Keyword tags: changingshiftingturnvampireswerewolves 
    Posted: Jan 12 2013, 3:48 PM EST by wRIPPERw
  • Looking for answers self-identifying vampires please respond. I have recently found that a mortal life is not enough to achieve all my goals and dreams. I consider myself skilled and intelligent and am looking for a way to go above and beyond this mortal exsistence. I am searching for hope, hope that there is more to life than what i know as a human, of supernatural greatness. If you sincerely believe you are a vampire please message me so we could talk. What would i have to do to join your coven? I have realized the gravity of what i am asking.
    Keyword tags: coven.draculaundead creaturesvampires 
    Posted: Aug 21 2012, 10:52 AM EDT by VeritasQuest
  • a weird sighting in the corner of my eye... ok i saw one thing recently when i was in class at school. i was reading a book and i saw a dismembered hand (no blood & guts mind you) kind of like a mannequin hand. fly by the side of my head doing the "ok" sign with its fingers. anyone else encounter something like a hand? and explain anything about it please.
    Thread location: Unicorn Sighting
    Posted: May 23 2012, 3:15 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • In need of help Im sure this has been asked before, but I'm, like the title says, in need of help.
    I have a huge obsession with Vampires, not Twilight kind either. I would like for someone with the same interest to talk about it with me. I would like to have a intelligent serious conversation with someone.
    Thank you :)
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: intelligenceseriousnessVampires 
    Posted: Jan 2 2012, 12:19 PM EST by raelynnc
  • Werewolves Hello lovers of the underworld! I am currently working on a werewolf sight with many other creatures. The only reason why i'm posting it on here is because I need more people on their. So if your interested in Vampires, Werewolves, Fallen Angels and other creatures like them then please, tell me.
    Thread location: lycanthropes (Were-Wolves)
    Posted: Apr 2 2011, 6:53 AM EDT by Wintereyes
  • Ultra Vampiure Ultra vampires are advanced type of vampires. they have sabretooth fangs, spikes groing out of thier hands and can fly. They are the most deadly creatures to ever walk the universe[according to legend! might not be true!].
    Thread location: Death Knight
    Keyword tags: Vampires 
    Posted: Jan 22 2011, 12:13 AM EST by Anonymous
  • real vampire,werewolf myth against twilight bs ok people twilight has been bugging me for a long ass time, most of the crap in that book and movie was not even vailed info on vampires and werewolves. It was just stuff they pulled out of there asses at the last min so please if you have any, and i mean any sites where i can get vailed info to show my friends that thing twilight got there info from a invailed sworse,and prove to my friends and everyone else that twilight is a load of bull, please feel free to shair, and tell me what you think about the whole twilight vampire and werewolf myth and the real mythicalgy on it.
    thank you for your time
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: fack factsreal factstwilightvampireswerewolfwerewolves 
    Posted: Oct 18 2010, 9:39 AM EDT by trex1233
  • vampires i love vampires espicaly edward cullen
    Thread location: Sea Creatures
    Keyword tags: VAMPIRES 
    Posted: Jan 31 2010, 10:22 PM EST by Anonymous
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