Thread started: Apr 24 2010, 12:57 PM EDT
one day I was looking at all the mythical creatures in and out of the bible, and if you look real good, it's all the same, Both are saying the truth. some being less explainable some written down through the ages by ancient people who had to either write, for those who knew/, by painting it, weather it be in a cave, canvas paper or wood and exc/. in a song carried down through time. in places we are not familiar but have read it somewhere. I just finish reading a book that answer one of my millions questions, I'm so into it that I order the BOOK OF ENOCH. he was taking by Angels, or was it aliens. these mythical creatures came from somewhere, and don't even tell me it was dreams..I'm not buying it so, tell me what is the proof of some of them?.
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RE: I believe in all biblical beings.
By: Posted Anonymously,
Aug 6 2010, 12:04 PM EDT
WoW, little did I know so much information and discussion came out of my "I bellieve in all biblical beings" Now let me point out a few things that I am still noticing around our strange but beautiful world.,more and more creatures are coming out, and I don't mean nice ones either., I'm sure all of you read the one in mexico, how there are strange things flying around scaring even the police from weird looking hags we call wicthes. with no eyes just deep black holes. and a boy walking down the street with a friend and all of a sudden a long arm tries to grab him.(his friend took a picture by accident at his friend and at the same time you see in real time this arm sticking out towards the kid like one of those cartoons, instead this was no cartoon) and what about the one where someone took a picure of two cops on horse also in Mexico and there is this tiny creature that looks like a mini alien walking in between them..Can you imagen how the owner of the camera felt when he/she was looking at the pictures and BANG there it is. kind of scary when you think about it. there is so many of them, and granted some could be fake, but not all are, like the one in Germany (i think) kids was driving in town and the camera caught this big person that jump from a high building? and flew down to a low apt building just like that..some even think it was the england or somewhere in or around england a video was taken of a black creature that look like a big lion running down the valley , and disapear as quickly as it was seen. gone, but it left behind evidence, A killed goat, all that was left was the horns and it's was truly scary seeing that in TV, it was in that new show in syfi , about proving if it is real or not. what about the noiceses heard in the woods all over our state and no one knows what it is....what do you think it is?
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