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Started By | Thread Subject | Location | Replies | Last Post | ||||
Tolonkolo | Spying (page: 1 2 3 4) | null | 79 | Today, 12:59 AM EDT by Aerce7 | ||||
Thread started: Jul 17 2013, 7:30 PM EDT
Since theirs so much discussion going on in other places.. What do yall think about government groups being able to look at all your privet files you upload onto the internet. For if they say its probable cause or say they suspect you or terrorism or threat to national security they can look at your stuff. Do you think they should be allowed to look at your things without you knowing just to look through your stuff to spy on you. On this site theirs lots of people saying their this and that. Dont you think this site could be monitored? And if you do what do you do?
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BOGGART_GRIM | C-ya. | null | 1 | Yesterday, 8:46 AM EDT by HeroLovesCats | ||||
Thread started: Yesterday, 2:12 AM EDT
...think I'm gonna take Crow's advice.
I think.... I think I'll go, now. Kinda lonely sitting alone on an abandoned website, all night.... every night. Waiting for someone to say something, do something. But.... Never happens. Crow's right. Those days are gone. I think I'll 'strike out on my own'. Make a new Goblin website. Alone. Then I'll know not to wait for another voice, because mine will be the lone voice. I will always value the friendships with the people here, that I have made. But.... as these friends are moving on... maybe it's time I did the same. I won't say "goodbye". Just.... "See ya around, maybe." β๏ǥǥąяţ Ꮹɾïᶆ ####
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_Hobthrust_ | TIZZ TIZZ!!!! (page: 1 2) | null | 31 | Yesterday, 12:45 AM EDT by ErikaLancastor | ||||
Thread started: Apr 4 2015, 7:50 PM EDT
Tizz Tizz. Come back!!! Me miss you!!!!
Remember me? I Bwbach in the chat room! Come back Tizz Tizz!!!!
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TheCrow077 | To: Goblin Grim | null | 1 | Yesterday, 12:44 AM EDT by ErikaLancastor | ||||
Thread started: Sunday, 10:05 AM EDT
Goblin, though it pains me to say this; if you are, indeed, unhappy here, why do you return day after day? Most simply move on and leave the past behind themselves.
Goblin.... The glory days of the Mythical creatures and beasts guide site seem behind it, now. Chances are it will be a very long time before it returns to what it was. The days of Alula, Tizzy(aibell), Pelagios, The Mantis and the many others you mentioned, before, are long over. Though I am certain my saying this will bring consternation down upon me, perhaps it really is time that you moved on. Find other similar sites, make new friends but check back with us, periodically. Go to new chats and do the same. What you do now is tantamount to trying to revive the corpse of a treasured friend. You torture yourself. Bury the corpse and move on. However, there is an old saying, I will leave you with. "Make new friends but keep the old. One is Silver, and the other's Gold."
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BOGGART_GRIM | Goodbye, Goblin Grim. | null | 4 | Yesterday, 12:43 AM EDT by ErikaLancastor | ||||
Thread started: Sunday, 12:39 AM EDT
Hello, BOGGART GRIM. ####
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ErikaLancastor | HALLOO!!!!!!! say things, people!!! | null | 12 | Yesterday, 12:42 AM EDT by ErikaLancastor | ||||
Thread started: Apr 3 2015, 3:16 AM EDT
this is a discussions forum. it's very useful for DISCUSSIONS! ...likely why it is called a "discussions forum". SPEAK!!!
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Lesionia | War (page: 1 2 3) | null | 50 | Yesterday, 12:39 AM EDT by ErikaLancastor | ||||
Thread started: May 21 2013, 7:23 PM EDT
There might be a war against this world and all who live on it. If there is: How many of you would fight for this world, your life, and family, and friends? I am, and if you are willing to side with me... (and Supreme)
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myawesomeyo | Political Action (page: 1 2 3 4) | Attention All Non-Humans | 67 | Sunday, 7:21 PM EDT by Joshua.D.Elswick | ||||
Thread started: Jul 8 2013, 10:06 AM EDT
I believe it would for the best if, instead of a manslaughter, a revolt instead? Bring it to the attention of the world in a peaceful manner, as you are more likely to be believed and less likely to be killed for your actions.
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Anonymous | werewolf (page: 1 2) | Werewolf | 36 | Sunday, 4:15 AM EDT by WolfGirl18 | ||||
Thread started: Apr 12 2010, 5:21 PM EDT
i do maybe there hiding there selvs
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Anonymous | Calling all REAL shapeshifters | null | 12 | Sunday, 3:56 AM EDT by WolfGirl18 | ||||
Thread started: Sep 21 2012, 11:05 PM EDT
Hello ,I really want to know more are you guys but I've always wanted to talk to one and I have loads of questions but I don't want some person leading me on that's lying ,and just for the record I don't have any plans to try to become one of you anytime soon and I am looking for less were-wolves than other shapeshifters ( sorry ) and I don't think you have people hunting you but you really don't have to worry, I would swear by my life or something but I'm chistian so I'm not aloud to swear
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Goblin_Grim | So long. | null | 15 | Saturday, 11:05 PM EDT by Bai-lah | ||||
Thread started: Apr 13 2015, 11:26 PM EDT
Time for me to go, now.
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Lesionia | Just a thought... (page: 1 2 3 4 5 ... last page) | null | 128 | Saturday, 7:52 PM EDT by Joshua.D.Elswick | ||||
Thread started: Jul 21 2013, 8:14 PM EDT
A crazy thought came into mind and it sounds impossible but I wondered what you guys would think of this random thought...
What if the one behind the new world order was/is an immortal?
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ErikaLancastor | GOBLINS, BROWNIES & FRIENDS ABANDONED USER ACCOUNTS | null | 0 | Thursday, 8:00 AM EDT by ErikaLancastor | ||||
Thread started: Thursday, 8:00 AM EDT
i beg the indulgence of the admins here, but since our sites share many of the same members, i feel obligated to post this.
this is posted on the goblins brownies & friends site. it's for any members here that have accounts on the goblins site. "well, loves. it's that time of year, again. (no..., not christmas...) it's that time of year where we have to do a spot of spring cleaning! and once more, we are back to the idle and unused or simply abandoned profiles/user accounts. there are 10 of them this year, about 4 more than last year, i rather believe, and some of them were even on LAST YEAR'S list!! O.O so... these 10 profiles are scheduled for removal/deletion (on the GOBLINS BROWNIES & FRIENDS SITE, ONLY) in may. (MAY 15 2015). if you want to keep your profile and remain a member on the site, then you simply MUST either use them or delete them on your own, if you do not wish to remain a member. this year (unlike last) there shall be no exceptions (sorry). unused profiles clutter the site and take up needed bandwidth. so, either use 'em or lose 'em, loves! if you wish to keep your profile but for whatever reason cannot get to it for the moment, please contact me or any other administrator and let us know. you will be given an extension, okay? thank you, very much! ^_^ (Erika Lancastor. head administrator for the GOBLINS site) 1. kizzy22. Last Active: Nov 10, 2014 2. kittytucat. Last Active: Jul 11, 2014 3. chitto. Last Active: Jan 1, 2015 4. ViktoriyaNikolova. Last Active: Jan 21, 2015 5. mech1031. Last Active: Nov 18, 2014 6. tizzyw. Last Active: Nov 26, 2014 7. TheElegantShadow. Last Active: Oct 11, 2014 8. WolfOfDarkness9. Last Active: Jan 24, 2015 9. ...-(Andy1)-... Last Active: Dec 16, 2014 10. Alula. Last Active: Feb 6, 2015 |
April_Sarang | HI!!! ^_^ | null | 1 | Thursday, 7:47 AM EDT by ErikaLancastor | ||||
Thread started: Wednesday, 11:32 PM EDT
Hi, my name is April! I'm from South Korea! My family moved here to the U.S. about 2 years ago. I'm 14 years old! I love goblins and want to know everything about them! I read about goblins when I was in korea but there wasn't much to be found on them. I saw Harry Potter movies and that was ok but I wanted to learn more. I found this website from a link on the goblins brownies and friends website! Love April!!
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Goblin_Grim | IMPORTANT VIDEO FOR ALL HUNTERS!!! | null | 16 | Apr 11 2015, 11:52 PM EDT by Joshua.D.Elswick | ||||
Thread started: Apr 4 2015, 2:50 AM EDT
MUST SEE! ....
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Anonymous | Grim Reaper | Father Time | 9 | Apr 11 2015, 11:51 PM EDT by Joshua.D.Elswick | ||||
Thread started: Mar 28 2011, 8:01 AM EDT
Could Father Time had been thought as the Grim Reaper or a Death God if he was thought to be able to sever time and life? (Just wondering.) Some people I know think that Father Time control life spans and he could also cut it short.
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Goblin_Grim | Ya ever notice......? | null | 3 | Apr 11 2015, 11:47 PM EDT by Joshua.D.Elswick | ||||
Thread started: Apr 10 2015, 11:18 PM EDT
Ya ever notice that everytime I show up here on the threads, the once active discussions just go DEAD?
I mean... I just make a comment or two, and it's splitsville, for everyone except maybe Erika and Bunny (HeroLovesCats). ...Quite a co-inky-dink, huh? *sigh* Well... Maybe it's time I left here, permanently. ****
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Goblin_Grim | ALULA | null | 10 | Apr 11 2015, 11:47 PM EDT by Joshua.D.Elswick | ||||
Thread started: Apr 7 2015, 2:24 AM EDT
Where is Roan (Alula) lately?
It's been nearly 3 months since I've seen her. Any info would be appreciated. ****
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Anonymous | Angel of Truth | List of Mythical Creatures | 17 | Apr 11 2015, 11:43 PM EDT by Joshua.D.Elswick | ||||
Thread started: Oct 1 2012, 7:21 AM EDT
Satan is not a mythical creature neither are evil spirits. Demons are known as evil spirits, they`re real and they are fallen angels. Satan is a biblical character, he is mentioned many times in the Holy Bible. Don`t confuse Satan with a mythical being from fantasyland.
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ancient mythical creatures
Bray Road Beast
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list of mythical creatures
mythical creatures guide
mythical creatures list
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brad1990 | Getting Started? (page: 1 2) | null | 28 | Apr 6 2015, 8:05 PM EDT by Joshua.D.Elswick | ||||
Thread started: Mar 3 2015, 7:17 PM EST
hello i am interested in becoming a hunter if anyone has any legitimate tips/info on becoming a hunter would you please let me know
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