Hi, my name's Anonymous!, . Hrrrrr.......
I love all living things INCLUDING SNAKES, you know, unless I get attacked by anything.... :P I like reading most fantasy books but I don't like Twilight... wait, let me say that again - I HATE Twilight ... I don't like the same old stereotypes of mythical creatures and a whole lot of stuff with stereo types. My fav genre of music is metal - NOT the metal as in no tune just distaution, the nice metal. Though i like to listen to various other types of music too.
Lets see, My Hobbies: I do horse-riding, tap, tennis (only the fact that I have to), Archery (you know, with the bow and arrow)... I do karate and ninjutsu and I love horse riding - horses are AWSOME to ride and they're so clever. Tap i've done for a Looooooooong time, but just for fun. I'm going to stop soon because my timetable is getting waaay too full unless i do it in the mornings! NO WAY. I'm not a morning person you see. Oh yes and I also used to do electric guitar - but I finally thought to myself that i'm not really cut out for it ^.^
I love knowing a lot about mythical creatures and I take a lot of interest in them. I also watch a lot of anime, I can't say any favourites but I like Naruto, rurouni kenshin, bleach, death note, midori no hibi, zero no tsukaima, code geass... and a lot others. My all time favourite book is Wolf Brother - it has a whole sequal to that and it's written by Michelle Paver. YOU MUST READ IT, IT'S AWSOME!!! It has a few mythical bits but not much creatures, more like spiritsand spirit walkers etc. I also like The fire series by Chris D'Lacey... brilliant. I also like the power of five by anthony horowitz...
Hello, my name is Anonymouse!
 Home town:
Favourite Quotes: Pain is nothing. It's Death that concerns me. -Miroku, inuyasha. If you let the fly live, the spider is going to die. You can't save both without one suffering. -Millions knives, Trigun. Hmmm... How should i say this... my first impression is... I don't like you guys. -Kakashi, Naruto. In order to escape a road of solitude, one has to work hard, and forge a new path with their own power! -Gaara, Naruto. Sorry i'm late, i got lost on the road of life... -Kakashi, Naruto. From this point on, all your opinions will be rejected! -Ichigo, bleach, If i were rain that bind the earth and sky, who in all eternity will never mingle, will I be able to bind the hearts of other people together? -Inoue Orihime, bleach. The world cannot be changed with pretty words alone. -Lelouch, code geass We are not alone, we are partners, If you were to become a witch, i will become a warlock. -Lelouch, code geass I'm sorry, but i cannot be friends with a Goddess, because I have signed a contract with the Devil. -Lelouch, code geass. Those who shoot must prepare to get SHOT! -Zero(Lelouch), code geass. Do you know why snow is white? Because I forgot what colour it was. -C.C., code geass. If i sit like a normal person, my investigative abilities will be half as effective. -L, Death note. I'll take a potato chip, AND EAT IT! -Yagami Light, Death note. | MORE ABOUT ME...
I joined this wiki because: I'm interested in the knowledge of mythical creatures and i would love to share some of my own.
The best word to describe me is: Artistic, mysterious and bubbly - and kinda dangerous is I want to be...... don't worry, i'm that that kind of person. I'm also territorial... Interests: Horses (tame and wild. I like riding them too!); Art and painting; mythical creatures... DUH! ; All plants and animals - including snakes! Creepy crawlys I don't mind as long as they aren't on my territory! If an ANT comes in my room or on me i squish them. Favorite movies: I don't have one, I thinking about it....Hmmmmm.... Favorite TV shows:Tokyo TV by far! I don't have a specific favourite show though...
My hero(es): My friends and family :)
My superpower is: What in the whole of Space am I s'posed to write here?????
If I could live anywhere, it would be: Middle of mountain range, next to a forest - in a little cottage!!!! My dream job(s): Don't have one YET... I'm thinking of something adventurous that doesn't include going out of my comfort zone. What else you should know about me:
I have one sister, mother, father... I'm half greek, but i moved to Japan when I was four.. and half british. I know a lot about Greek Mythology and other... Hmmm... My birthday is on th 14th of August. I was born in 1995 and pround to live through a century change!
______________**********______________ My fav food is lasagne and I HATE brussel sprouts and baby marrow. OH YES... I'm busy writing a book called FireBlade, it's got a lot of mythical creatures in it and includinng elves... This is my second try - my first I scrapped in chapter 5 because i didn't like the story. Now I'm fully satisfied on it... If this book makes it to publishing - please read it! I'll say when and if it is! It will be by me - Katerina Alexandra. (The name is completely wrong - I don't want to show my real name on it so don't bother looking me up on facebook and whatnot...) I started writing a book because I couldn't find another book of my kind - adventure, and when say that - i DO NOT mean a random person trying to find her huband on the other side of the world! I mean adventure as in: 1. Animals (can include mythical) 2. Forests (even if they're made up - imagine a bright purple tree? even the trunk!)
3. magic of any sort (optional) 4. action (as in EXCITING fighting bits) 5. some romance at least 6. No killing of animals IN DETAIL - as in you can, but not in too much detail.
7. not too depressing 8. interesting 9. i don't like long boring beginnings - so you can get stuck on it right from the start! I hate waiting! :D
OH, i'm busy learning japanese... (random, but sugoi!) note: Sugoi means 'cool'. and sayounara means 'goodbye'... also - ohayou mean good morning, konnichiwa means good afternoon and konbanwa means good evening! :)
Sayounara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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