Jiaolong |

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May 27 2011, 9:13 AM EDT (current) DragonMienfoo 100 words added, 45 words deleted
Jul 1 2008, 3:14 AM EDT Ravenite 58 words added


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Jiaolong, inIn Chinese mythology,Myth, Jiaolong is the hornedaquatic dragon,dragon. whichIt is oneknown ofto thetake ninemany Chineseforms, called dragons.chiao. It doesis notsometimes seemregonized toas bea man, powerfuland enoughsometimes tosimply bea fish. Either way, this dragon was a river dragon, spirtually ableakin to flythe crocodile. It is described as 'a snake with four legs'.

They say when a number of fish in a pond reachs 3600, the sky,Jiaolong andwill thereforecome isas mainlytheir knownleader toand liveenable inthem to follow seahim and fly away. This can be stopped, however, by placing a fish trap in the bigwater.

The female river.counterpart Forof this reason,dragon is called the JiaolongJiao, isand alsois knownhornless. asUnlike the floodJiaolong, dragon.which has horns.