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Jun 9 2011, 3:44 PM EDT (current) Kittyeatyou 1 photo added, 1 photo deleted
Jun 9 2011, 3:26 PM EDT Kittyeatyou 1 photo added


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The nine-headed bird is one of the earliest forms of the Chinese Phoenix, worshiped by ancient natives in Hubei Province, which during the Warring State Period was part of the kingdom of Chu. Nine-headed bird was also called "Nine Phoenix" , which together with Chinese Dragon, were two the most vastly worshiped divine/mythical creatures throughout Chinese history.

The number "Nine" was thought to possess mysterious power in Chinese culture. Nine-headed bird was, and still is believed to be a symbol of wisdom and good fortune.

Wikipedia, 2005. Nine-headed Bird. [Online] (Updated 17 December 2009) -