A Skinwalker (also known as shape shifter) is a person who is able to transform themselves into any animals in some beliefs and only one particular animal in others.The term "Skinwalker" originate in native american legends though there are plenty of other cultures that have there own version of shape shifters. Skinwalkers differ from werewolves because shape shifters have the ability to control where and when they transform.It has been known that if you look a skinwalker in the eye you will die. Skinwalkers are evil creatures,usually taking revenge on a certain person or family. They will also put dishonor on your cow.
In some
Native American legends, a
skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires, though they first must be wearing a pelt of the animal, to be able to transform. Similar lore can be found in cultures throughout the world and is often referred to as
shapeshifting by anthropologists.
The Skinwalker is (or was) a shaman in it's human life. As a rite of passage, he kills his entire family to drain the souls. He then can transform into any animal it feels like, and any person. It has the ability to mimic voices that are familiar to you, to draw you out. When hunting a Skinwalker, talk to the others in your group only on Walky-Talkies. The only weakness it supposedly has is an aversion to silver when it is in it's animal state.
If you injure a Skinwalker and meet a person with the same injury, it is best not to trust that person. At all.