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dreamcatcher202 |
Ghost/gaurdian angels
Mar 1 2011, 10:46 PM EST
There is a ghost or guardian angel thing that follows my moms boyfriend. We have all seen him, I just want to make further contact. he scares the crap out of me and takes my stuff. I really want to know more about him. Can anyone help? 4 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you?
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Spiritual1006 |
1. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Mar 3 2011, 11:14 AM EST
A gaurdian angle that takes your stuff? This may not be an angel Mate, look up the angels of god read the tiers of command and what each one does and if that dont answer your question your more then welcome to ask me whatever you want there are just several and several angles and i have no idea where to begin. To make further contact you need something to raise the vibration in your house such as crystals born of the earth, I suggest Angelite, look it up see what its about mate, learning to communicate is a long process, we feel before we can express
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dreamcatcher202 |
2. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Mar 3 2011, 5:01 PM EST
I think its a ghost, and I just want to see him more. The first and only time I say him,I was downstairs and I saw a shadow go past the light. Something similar happened to my mom, She was home one night sitting in the living room, are oldest dog can sense the ghost. When he looked at the light so did my mom and she saw a shadow to, then as she turned back, the door to go downstairs( which is always closed) was wide open. She Freaked. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
MeganNiteDweller |
3. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Mar 3 2011, 8:52 PM EST
It could be a ghost that has attached to your moms boyfriend. It has been known that spirits can attached it's being to objects and people.
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dreamcatcher202 |
4. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Mar 3 2011, 10:52 PM EST
Thats probably it, thanks!
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MeganNiteDweller |
5. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Mar 3 2011, 11:34 PM EST
Your welcome I'm happy to help.
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Spiritual1006 |
6. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Mar 4 2011, 5:04 PM EST
Yea this sounds like a ghost i can do some research into to see what kind of spirit this is, ghost is a ver very loss term, is all it does is follow your parents? how long has it been going on? What is going on when you see this thing is there any type of pattern what so ever.
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Pineapple-Express |
7. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Mar 9 2011, 4:17 PM EST
It's not a guardian angel if it takes your stuff! xD I believe it is just a spirit in search of something, or trying to get something from your mother's boyfriend.If you want to make further contact with it, make sure it is safe, first of all. You don't wanna try communicating with the wrong spirits. If you think it's okay, then have your mom's boyfriend come over to your house, or sit in a room with you or be near you or something. When you see the ghost, try talking to it. If the ghost cannot communicate with humans, I guess you'll have to resort to a psychic. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Dous777 |
8. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Friday, 4:18 PM EST
And while you're at it watch Paranormal Activity.Can never be too careful, eh? Do you find this valuable? |
aubzdall |
9. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Friday, 5:40 PM EST
Just don't do anything stupid. It might just want to be acknowledged. This may sound crazy, but try talking to it. It's worked with me. Nothing exactly like that has happened to me, but similar occurances have.
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dreamcatcher202 |
10. RE: Ghost/gaurdian angels
Tuesday, 10:16 AM EDT
Thank you to everyone for the help.
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