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![]() WolfsbaneLobo |
Jul 10 2012, 8:32 PM EDT
I love how the elements the dwarves used to create the bindings were all things that are so.. basic & yet vital to the creature in which they belong to. "Bird's Spittle" however gross, without saliva no bird wouldn't have a shelter and it'd die. Also "Cat's footstep", a cat's footstep is silent and graceful, and if it were changed, the entire species would be changed. I only wonder which "Woman's beard" it refers to... it seems more likely that it's 'private parts'... those are important too...
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1. RE: Intriguing..
May 3 2013, 5:37 PM EDT
This is super late, but an explanation; The explanation is that the dwarves stole those things. A woman has no beard because the dwarves have it. Cats are silent because the dwarves took the sound that their feet make. Birds don't spit because it is in the dwarves' possession. Not private parts or the balance of the universe. It is about the blatant seperation of species/genders.
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