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Remember, this is currently only a theory so do not fully depend on this information. There are always three sides of a story; the right, the left, and the truth.
Aliases: Slender Man, The Operator, Der Ritter, Der Groβmann, Bundle, The Tall Man, The Thin Man, Der Schlanker Mann, Fear Dubh, Schlankwald, Tree Man, Slendy, Slender, The Pale One, The White King, Master, Puppet Master, Scarecrow (based of the legend that created the Children of The Corn).
Identity: DemonicOrigins: Victor Surge, Something Awful Forums________The Slender Man is a creature or being with various nebulously defined characteristics and abilities. Slender Man was first mentioned in Something Awful Forum's, "Create Paranormal Images". Slender Man generally appears (in modern times) as a tall man in a black/grey suit, red/black tie, and white shirt. His face lacks eyes, a mouth, or any clearly defined facial features. This entity has no hair, and generally has normal-looking bare hands. Slender Man typically is depicted in imagery and literature as between six and fifteen feet tall, depending on the situation. In video, he's usually around six to seven feet tall. Due to its inexact nature and differences between series, no one has yet determined what it is. Currently, the two leading theories as to what the Slender Man may be are the Tulpa Effect and Quantum Theory. The internet popularity of Slender Man has spawned a massive amount of interconnected ARG's, collectively known as the Slender Man Mythos.
________Slender Man's original abilities included invisibility to select people. This tends to include adult humans or anyone without use of a camera. He also possesses the ability to change height and body shape as well as to shift its arms into tentacles and sprout tentacle-like appendages from its back and shoulders. This is to be used as additional arms or legs, or simply to instill fear into its prey. Many stories seem to indicate that it can control a person's mind, which became the basis for the Proxies in the video ARG's, a trend that would later spread to Slender Blogs. Slender Man also had connections to children, with many of the original stories revolving around disappearances. Another reason it is believed he's tied to children is his constant appearance in photos with young kids.
________According to Fobarimperius; as more stories came forth, however, the use of tentacles and tentacle-like appendages became less common, and the invisibility was limited or eliminated depending on the storyteller. EMH, TT, ML, and DH all contain some sort of video and/or audio distortion, indicating that Slender Man has some sort of effect on modern digital instruments. This does not appear in any of the original accounts - however these mostly make use of photographs and video of primarily lower-tech varieties. EMH has applied this distortion to be the effect of "Sigma Radiation", a radiation given off by Slender Man and The Rake. Sigma Radiation is also contagious, as it entered Evan's blood-stream when his arm is brutally maimed by The Rake. EMH and ML also make use of "Slender-walking", a term created to describe Slender Man's apparent teleportation and appearing/disappearing at will. EMH independently indicates the use of selective invisibility to groups or individuals through head tilting, and also spacetime warping/teleportation between locations. Similar abilities were seen in early Slender Man accounts. EMH also hints at the affecting of mental health or control of it. Slender Man has no exactly defined or specified history, however contributors have placed early sightings of Slender Man-like beings known as Der Ritter and Der Groβmann in early 1600s German and before. It's been reported that these similar creatures often took the dress of a knight or royal figure. Germanic fairy tales and mythology also makes use of the creatures to be used as cautionary tales for children.
________Photographs from the early 1900's were the next confirmed reports, where imagery of Slender Man can be found in classical black and white and sepia imagery. Reports from this time indicate sightings in America, the UK, and Russia, as well as reports of child disappearances. By the mid-1900's, some rare run-ins occured in the warzones in Germany which apparently is Slender Man's native land. In the cases of 1997, soldiers and military officials were the primary targets. In America and Canada, reports of missing skiers and children appeared coming from forested areas of the nations.
________After a spree of building burnings from unknown causes, several deaths and a few surviving witnesses, it could be gathered that the Slender Man had the following traits:
* Slender Man will find interest in a victim for reasons unknown
* It would then contact the victim, if it is a child, presenting itself as friendly
* The adults he stalks have a common trait: they have all been through a terrible tragedy in their life, even if the tragedy was made by Slenderman directly
* If an adult, it would stalk the victim for long amounts of time and cause massive paranoia, health risks, hallucinations, dreams, etc.
* Eventually, it would abduct the victim into nearby forest, where they would be killed.
* In 'messy' cases, it may remove evidence of its existence by causing fire of their home, place of work, or school.
________Death of the victim originally occured through an odd means - the victim would be impaled on branches of very tall trees while still alive, and bleed to death. The organs would be individually removed, then placed in plastic bags. They would then be replaced into the body in their original positions, plus the plastic bags. The victims' corpses do not show any sign of a struggle.
________In the late 1990's, technology shed more light on the creature through the use of commonplace cameras and camcorders. Slender Man was recorded and photographed stalking potential victims many times. In the late 2000's to early 2010's, several individuals recorded ongoing stalking and attack scenarios of themselves and their friends. These video accounts are codenamed Marble Hornets, EverymanHYBRID, DarkHarvest00, MLAndersen0, and TribeTwelve. As well as certain Rivn videos.
________Slender Man makes association with several groups, individuals, or creatures. The least known of these is the unknown organization tracking, observing, or involved with Slender Man, whose identity or name is yet to be confirmed. The Organization appears only in early Slender Man written accounts, and makes an (assumed) appearence in only one ARG, DarkHarvest00. The SCP organization, though mostly unrelated, maintains hold of a creature known as SCP-582, aka "Bundle", whose appearance and nature is similar to Slender Man. It is possible that Bundle is a local dialect or local version of Slender Man. SCP is unable to currently permaently contain Bundle, indicating that because it is not stationary, it could be the same entity as Slender Man. It is believed that Slendy has links to many Proxies, or insane individuals under its control or influence. The nature of Proxies, their workings, etc, are unknown, however Proxies make appearances in MH as Masky/totheark, EMH as HABIT, and DH as an unknown Proxy. The Rake is the name given to another mystery creature that is somehow linked or associated with Slenderman. The Rake has a far shorter history, and only real appearance of association with Slenderman or a Proxy is through the video accounts of EMH.
An Update from Lesionia:________Well, the Slender Man entity is real. It was started from the Something Awful Forum, thanks to the Tupila Effect and help from another stronger entity. The Slender Man myth had then become a demonic entity. Of course, very few sightings of him is actually the real entity. The clones are usually other lesser demonics taking over the image to seem stronger. The only thing that can kill a Slender Man clone is radium or platinum. The demonic is usually after people who are weak but have abilities. He does not like anyone standing in his way and does attack those that do. The Slender Man may have been around for thousands of years, maybe even before earth was even made but that is only a theory. To look up information or to talk about him seems to only summon him. All the demons that use his image seem to be all male. He sways more to nature and uses that to blend into secluded areas like the woods. Slender Man doesn't seem to go where no ones heard of him and doesn't like the cold or evergreens. He can be defeated by magic but only if one knows what they are doing. This is strongly not recommended. This entity has been defeated and is no longer a threat to humanity, but demons still use its image. If you do see a Slender Man, IGNORE IT! If you act like you don't believe it it will diminish its power. It is a form of protection commonly used by the Catholic religion.