The Adaro were malevolent merman-like sea spirits found in the mythology of the Solomon Islands. Said to arise fromClassification: the wickedMythological
Origin: Melanesia
The partdescription of a person's spirit, an adarothese iscreatures describedwas as a man with gills behind his ears, tail fins for feet, a horn like a shark'sshark's dorsal fin, and a swordfish or sawfish-likelike spear growing out of his head. Adaros(I livewonder inwhat the sunfemale andversion travelwould tolook like.) The difference between this type of merman and fromothers Earthis bythat this particular creature traveled in slidingwaterspouts or alongby rainbows. Unlike(It thewas renownedmore mermaid,likely they arewere dangerousseen toaround humansrainbows.) andAlthough it is suggested that they originate after a person dies since they come from the evil part of canhuman's killsoul. them(With this theory it is possible for the Adaro to travel by travellingrainbows.) alongA rainbowsweapon andthese shootingcreatures themuse withis a type of bow to fire poisonous flying fish. Theyat maypeople. also
Additional travelreading: inSolomon waterspouts.Islands