The Major Vanir Gods:
Freyr- Freyja's twin brother and the God of Fertility. Freyr is a mighty warrior, who rides upon the golden boar Gullinbursti, and wields a Magic Sword that was said to fight the opponent by its own will. He was bequeathed the realm of Alfheim, Home of the Light Elves/Ljosalfar, as a teething present, and serves as its ruler. Freyr shines with a light so radiant that in some stories, he's attested as the Sun itself personified. He dies at the hands of Surtr in Ragnarok, but ascends with the other Gods into paradise.
Freyja- Freyr's twin sister and Goddess of Love, Beauty, Death, Magic, and War. Freyja is queen of the Valkyries and ruler of the heavenly realm of Fólkvangr, where the souls of slain warriors and normal people reside upon their death, it is attested to be the other half of Valhalla in some stories.. Freyja rides upon her chariot drawn by cats and possesses the gleaming necklace, Brísingamen, and a Cloak of Feathers. She survives Ragnarok alongside many of the other Goddesses, but it's left ambiguous on what happens to her afterwards.
Njord- Governed the sea and the winds and guarded ships and seafarers. Married to the frost giantess Skadi. He is the father of Freyr and Freyja and the frost giant Gerd.
Nanna- The moon goddess and Balder's loyal wife whose heart broke at the sight of him lying dead. She was cremated with him and accompanied him.
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