Daeva |

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Sep 2 2013, 2:42 AM EDT (current) Fanboy150 11 words added, 1 word deleted, 1 photo added, 1 photo deleted
Feb 11 2012, 7:26 PM EST Fanboy150 1 word deleted


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Daeva Daeva pronounced as ("dévə", daēuua, daāua, daēva) The Daevas are 'wrong gods' or 'false gods' or 'gods that are (to be) rejected'. Deva (देव in Devanagari script, is the Sanskrit word for "god, demon". It can be variously interpreted as a spirit, demi-god, celestial being, angel, demon or any supernatural being of high excellence.excellence.In Hindu mythology, the devas are opposed to the demonic Asuras.