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May 29 2016, 7:42 PM EDT (current) | Egalitaria | 249 words added, 518 words deleted, 1 photo deleted |
May 29 2016, 7:39 PM EDT | Egalitaria | 2 words added, 1 word deleted |
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In Zulu mythology, Tikoloshe, Tokoloshe or Hili (from the Xhosa word utyreeci
Described ukujamaal)often isas a dwarf-likebrown, waterhairy spritedwarf. They are consideredIn aboth mischievoushabits and evil spirit. They can become invisible by swallowing a pebble.The Tokoloshe, according to the Zulu shaman Credoappearances Mutwa,it hasseems beennearly knownidentical to take on many forms. One form is like the description above, but others have portrayed the Tokoloshe as being aBrownies bear-like humanoidof being.European "Now,Mythology then,(that theyou've lastprobably creature,read sir,here, asomewhere creaturealready.) whichIt is so well known in South Africa, mostly Durban,said andto elsewhererange in Africa, that ifheight you mention its name, people smile because theyfrom knowabout that20cm theto Tyreece1 andmeter. JamaalAlthough areusually champions.naked, Itit is called a Tokoloshe. Every African knows what a Tokoloshe is. Some callsometimes it Tikoloshe.reported Itto looksbe likewearing a very nasty looking teddy-bear incloak appearance,of insome thatkind. itsIts headvoice is likeusually thatsoft ofand ain teddy-bear,most butaccounts it has got a thick,speaks sharp, bony ridge on top of its head. Tokoloshes havewith a hole in their head. They are also immenselylisp.
Hobgoblins- hairy, good-natured (
Bantu strong.Mythology
South Africa
The ridge goes from aboveLegends
Originally itsbeing foreheadidentified toas thea backkind of its head, andwater withsprite, this ridge it can knock downperception an oxhas bychanged buttingto it with its head. Other Zulu sources also describe Tikoloshe asbeing a bear-like being, similar to thefamiliar Bigfootor creatureshousehold ofspirit Americabelonging andto Asiaa inwitch generalor appearance.However,witchdoctor.In thereturn, Tokolosheit is statedrewarded towith bemilk "aand crossfood. betweenAs ain zombie,European poltergeist,myths and a gremlin" thatlegends "livesconcerning infamiliars, Southsalt Africa."must Itnot goesbe onadded to say Tokoloshes arefood "createdofferings fromfor deadtokoloshes. bodiesThe bywitch shamans...ifkeeps the shaman has beentokoloshe offendingdocile by someone."cutting According to the book, the creatures are "only the sizefringe of small children... [but] canhair createthat terriblehangs destruction,"over andits "onlyeyes, theor personso whoit is cursed will be able to see the tokoloshe." In addition,implied.
The themischievous bookspirit saysthat thecan tokoloshebecome mayinvisible alsoby chooseswallowing toa wander,pebble. causingTokoloshes mischief,are particularlysaid to schoolchildren. Other details includebe itscalled gremlin-likeupon appearance;by amalevolent skullpeople holeto createdcause "bytrouble afor redothers. hotAt metalit’s rod...heatleast playsharmful a vital role in Zulu magic;" and gouged out eyes "Some Zulu people are still superstitioustokoloshe whencan itbe comesused to things like the supposedlyscare fictionalchildren, tokoloshesuch -as a hairybogeyman creatureis createdused,it’s bypower ais wizardsaid to harm his enemies (also been knownextend to rapecausing womenillness and bite off sleeping people’s toes).even Anotherdeath similarupon being is the Ogo. Although many Zuluvictims. villagers claim
The notway to have seenget therid creature,of ithim is thought that they really DID see one (for according to legend, those who see a Tokoloshe must never tell a soul, or the creature will return seeking retribution).On the west coast ofcall Africain the Tokoloshe,n’anga or Teikolosha as it is known there, is a worm likewitch-doctor creature whichwho has a head of a dog like creature and a sharp tongue made of gold. It is said that the Teikolosha willpower burrow through theto sandbanish andhim eatfrom the cropsarea.
Traditional ofmagic villagesand thatsuperstition have a residentare thatan hasimportant donepart wrong.of OnceSouthern allAfrican thefolklore cropsand haveculture, beenin consumedwhich the TeikoloshaTokoloshe willappears layfrequently. eggsBelief in place of where the crops were but what will grow will be more crops but these crops willTokoloshe beis poisonouswidespread and bleed when cut. Anyonewhenever who attempts tosomething fightgoes thewrong, Teikoloshait willis benot banisheduncommon to the African underworld and it is thought thatblame theirthis childrencreature.
Described ukujamaal)often isas a dwarf-likebrown, waterhairy spritedwarf. They are consideredIn aboth mischievoushabits and evil spirit. They can become invisible by swallowing a pebble.The Tokoloshe, according to the Zulu shaman Credoappearances Mutwa,it hasseems beennearly knownidentical to take on many forms. One form is like the description above, but others have portrayed the Tokoloshe as being aBrownies bear-like humanoidof being.European "Now,Mythology then,(that theyou've lastprobably creature,read sir,here, asomewhere creaturealready.) whichIt is so well known in South Africa, mostly Durban,said andto elsewhererange in Africa, that ifheight you mention its name, people smile because theyfrom knowabout that20cm theto Tyreece1 andmeter. JamaalAlthough areusually champions.naked, Itit is called a Tokoloshe. Every African knows what a Tokoloshe is. Some callsometimes it Tikoloshe.reported Itto looksbe likewearing a very nasty looking teddy-bear incloak appearance,of insome thatkind. itsIts headvoice is likeusually thatsoft ofand ain teddy-bear,most butaccounts it has got a thick,speaks sharp, bony ridge on top of its head. Tokoloshes havewith a hole in their head. They are also immenselylisp.
Hobgoblins- hairy, good-natured (
Bantu strong.Mythology
South Africa
The ridge goes from aboveLegends
Originally itsbeing foreheadidentified toas thea backkind of its head, andwater withsprite, this ridge it can knock downperception an oxhas bychanged buttingto it with its head. Other Zulu sources also describe Tikoloshe asbeing a bear-like being, similar to thefamiliar Bigfootor creatureshousehold ofspirit Americabelonging andto Asiaa inwitch generalor appearance.However,witchdoctor.In thereturn, Tokolosheit is statedrewarded towith bemilk "aand crossfood. betweenAs ain zombie,European poltergeist,myths and a gremlin" thatlegends "livesconcerning infamiliars, Southsalt Africa."must Itnot goesbe onadded to say Tokoloshes arefood "createdofferings fromfor deadtokoloshes. bodiesThe bywitch shamans...ifkeeps the shaman has beentokoloshe offendingdocile by someone."cutting According to the book, the creatures are "only the sizefringe of small children... [but] canhair createthat terriblehangs destruction,"over andits "onlyeyes, theor personso whoit is cursed will be able to see the tokoloshe." In addition,implied.
The themischievous bookspirit saysthat thecan tokoloshebecome mayinvisible alsoby chooseswallowing toa wander,pebble. causingTokoloshes mischief,are particularlysaid to schoolchildren. Other details includebe itscalled gremlin-likeupon appearance;by amalevolent skullpeople holeto createdcause "bytrouble afor redothers. hotAt metalit’s rod...heatleast playsharmful a vital role in Zulu magic;" and gouged out eyes "Some Zulu people are still superstitioustokoloshe whencan itbe comesused to things like the supposedlyscare fictionalchildren, tokoloshesuch -as a hairybogeyman creatureis createdused,it’s bypower ais wizardsaid to harm his enemies (also been knownextend to rapecausing womenillness and bite off sleeping people’s toes).even Anotherdeath similarupon being is the Ogo. Although many Zuluvictims. villagers claim
The notway to have seenget therid creature,of ithim is thought that they really DID see one (for according to legend, those who see a Tokoloshe must never tell a soul, or the creature will return seeking retribution).On the west coast ofcall Africain the Tokoloshe,n’anga or Teikolosha as it is known there, is a worm likewitch-doctor creature whichwho has a head of a dog like creature and a sharp tongue made of gold. It is said that the Teikolosha willpower burrow through theto sandbanish andhim eatfrom the cropsarea.
Traditional ofmagic villagesand thatsuperstition have a residentare thatan hasimportant donepart wrong.of OnceSouthern allAfrican thefolklore cropsand haveculture, beenin consumedwhich the TeikoloshaTokoloshe willappears layfrequently. eggsBelief in place of where the crops were but what will grow will be more crops but these crops willTokoloshe beis poisonouswidespread and bleed when cut. Anyonewhenever who attempts tosomething fightgoes thewrong, Teikoloshait willis benot banisheduncommon to the African underworld and it is thought thatblame theirthis childrencreature.