German for " noisy ghost," a poltergeist is a supernatural spirit that makes noise. Poltergeists move furniture, bang on walls and doors, and break things to make their presence known.
In some cases poltergeists can be quite aggressive, hurling objects through the air and striking people. Poltergeists often visit séances, and have lately been active as movie and TV villains, such as in the 1982 movie Poltergeist. But, only the more spiritually strong poltergeists can do this, for being able to solidify or materialize yourself enough to make contact with the material world takes a lot of energy.
Poltergeists are also famous for their ability to posses a body of a mortal, or immortal. They do this usually when the person is asleep, simply because it is a simpler process. Such process varies from each ghost to the next, but for the common single branch poltergeist, or poltergeist often seen as an orb of blob, this is done by making the form of the sleepers heart, and resting on it perfectly, like a stencil to a drawing. Another form of the multibodied poltergeist, or poltergeists with limbs and extra-torso body parts, for example, human, you must lay on the sleepers body and get it perfectly lined up.
Poltergeists can come in many forms, including anamorphic animals, or animals besides humans. One more common form is the
litesch poltergeist, or living poltergeist. An example of this would be a witch whom has preformed a spell that makes them able to live for the amount of lives that their true lucky number is. To see more information about this, see the witches page.
This is often called immortality. Everytime they die, they need a new body. Litesch poltergeists aren't a living form, and have the freedom to leave a body when they wish, and unless you left because the body died, not use up a life, and also to never enter a body. While doing this you can only touch or interact with other ghostly figures or objects.