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Jun 20 2014, 2:56 PM EDT (current) Lesionia 203 words added, 2 photos added, 1 photo deleted
Jan 27 2010, 4:14 PM EST xXPixieXx 16 words added, 1 word deleted


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A sketch of Pixies Pixies are mythical creatures of English folklore, considered to be particularly concentrated in the areas around Devon and Cornwall, suggesting some Celtic origin for the belief and name. In regional dialect, these mischievous little folk are sometimes referred to as piskies/piskeys or the little people. They are usually depicted as wingless, with pointed ears, and often wearing a green outfit and pointed hat. Sometimes their eyes are described as being pointed upwards at the temple ends.

The pixie also has a matured cousin called the heather pixie.
Pixies are notorious pranksters. One of their favourite ways of messing with people is leading them off into the woods leavingand leaving them lost for hours before literally dropping; thus the term 'pixie-led'. Pranksters they maybe but not malevolent, they are known to help out a worth human in need. They are also known to shape shift, a common form taken is the hedgehog.

Pixies by Brian Froud

Air Fairies / Air Elementals - Mythical Creatures Guide

Paracelsus named the spirits of the air sylvestres or sylphs from the Greek silphe meaning ‘butterfly’ or ‘moth’. They are described as almost transparent, very small and winged. any children of the marriage will be human. He went on to say that elementals hate dogmatists, sceptics, drunkards, gluttons, and the quarrelsome, while they love natural, child-like, innocent, and sincere people. "…to him who binds or pledges himself to them they give knowledge and riches enough. They know our minds and thoughts also, so that they may be easily influenced to come to us."
Paracelsus declared that while man is made of three substances, the spiritual, the astral, and visible or terrestrial and exists in all three, elementals live exclusively in only one of the elements. They occupy a position between men and pure spirits, though they have blood and bones, they eat and sleep and mate and produce offspring. They are not immortal but can succumb to disease. They live in dwellings that are made of special materials ‘as different from the substances we know as the web of a spider is different from our linen’. He said that elementals have no souls and are incapable of spiritual development.